School Policies

The following links provide parents and the wider community information on policies and procedures associated to teaching, learning and school administration at Paringa Park Primary School.

If a policy or issue you are seeking information on and is not available in this section, you are invited to contact the administration on [08] 8296-8904.

Assessment and Reporting Policy and Procedures

This policy and procedure is applicable to: all Department for Education employees at Paringa Park Primary School.

Attendance Policy

This policy and procedures explains our beliefs about school attendance, the responsibilities for ensuring children of compulsory school age attend school and document procedures for absences.

Camps and Excursions Procedure

The purpose of this document is to outline the procedures that must be followed by anyone arranging a camp or excursion for children at Paringa Park Primary School

Communication Policy

The aim of this policy is to establish clear expectations for effective communication between the school, families and the community.

Class Placement Procedure

Paringa Park Primary School creates its class structure within the department policies and funding allocations, and in line with enterprise agreement conditions. Class structures are based on the professional judgement of staff taking into account the children’s academic, social and emotional needs.

Decision Making Policy

Good decision making is a critical factor in long term effectiveness of a school.

Dress Code Policy and Procedures

The Governing Council has approved the Dress Code Policy. A “colour code” uniform represents image and unity and demonstrates equality for all students. It prevents peer pressure and competition amongst the students.

Emergency Management Plan

Each site will have an Incident Response Group (IRG) stood up during an actual or imminent occurrence of an

Home Learning Guidelines

These guidelines explain the basic rationale and expectations for home learning from reception to year 7.

Inclusive Education Policy

Paringa Park Primary School is committed to the development of a high quality curriculum for all students that promotes excellence, equity and entitlement to an inclusive education.

Mobile Phones and Personal Devices

This policy provides direction to students, staff and families about managing mobile phones and other digital devices that students choose to bring to school. Digital devices include, but are not limited to, smartwatches, tablets or laptops that are not part of a separate Bring Your Own Device arrangement. This policy applies while students are at school, or attending an authorised school activity such as an excursion, during school hours.

Non-Department for Education Providers Policy

This policy and procedures explains our compliance with Department for Education in the provision of services to children by non-Department for Education service providers in school time and/or on school premises.

Outdoor Learning

Our school is committed to providing opportunities for children to engage in open-ended, diverse and meaningful learning experiences that are connected to natures, while also being connected to curriculum.

Parent Complaints and Grievance Procedures

Children deserve to be successful, We can assist this by, Working together in a positive and caring way

Play in the early years Policy

To provide documented shared agreements, beliefs and procedures that assist both parents and children commencing reception at Paringa Park Primary School.

Phonological Awareness Policy

At PPPS we are committed to a strong focus on explicit teaching of phonological awareness skills for all reception children and then taught explicitly as needed for all children throughout the early years.

Rapid Action Plan

This document provides information for parents/caregivers in the event of a controlled evacuation of the school.

Responsible Behaviour Policy

At Paringa Park Primary School we have the expectation for students that they are in control of their own learning and learn best in safe, supportive, thought-provoking and inclusive learning environments.


Paringa Park Primary School actively encourages children to participate in a range of SAPSASA and associated sporting events at local, district and state events.

Sun Protection and Hot Weather Policy

To make explicit the expectations for children, staff and parents regarding sun protection for children during school hours.

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School Policies