Please click on this link to find your local zoned school:

Registration of interest for enrolment
In South Australia, public primary schools have two intakes from 2024, this means; if your child turns 5 before 1 May, they will commence at the beginning of the year. If their birthday is between 1 May and 31 October, then they will commence mid-year.
Reception Enrolments
The process of enrolment beings in Term 1 of the preceding year, with families registering interest using the Reception Registration of Interest form. By 30 June, the forms must be lodged with the school via email to dl.0668.info@schools.sa.edu.au or the school’s front office.
For out of zone families, distance from our school will be used to prioritise placements from the waiting list compiled from registrations of interest forms received by 30 June. This list will be used to meet capacity and will be part of our round 2 communications.
School’s waiting lists are current or 12 month only.
Round 1 offers are made to families in our enrolment zone by late August. Round 2 offers for families outside of our enrolment zone are made in late September based on availability.
Reception Placement ROI Form
Download Here
Enrolment for Years 1-6
Paringa Park Primary School is a zoned school which children residing in our zone have a guaranteed place. Please refer to the Department for Education’s ‘Find a school or preschool’ tool on this page to where your closest or zoned school is for your residence.
Please complete the Year 1-6 Enrolment Registration form to register your interest via email to dl.0668.info@schools.sa.edu.au or the school’s front office. Out of zone families who are not zoned to Paringa Park Primary, will be placed on our waiting list with placement made if we have available capacity.
Please also register your interest at other local schools should your application not be successful.
Enrolment Register Application Form
Download Here
Providing proof of residency
All parents are required to complete the school enrolment form and provide the school with a copy of the following documentation before enrolment is accepted.
If parents of the child own their residence, they must provide:
- A current council rates notice or Property Purchase Agreement
- A recent gas or electricity bill for that property (water rates are not accepted).
If parents of the child rent their residence, they must provide:
- A rental agreement which covers at least 12 months of their child’s first year at the school.
- A bond receipt registered with the Consumer and Business Services Tenancies Board.
- A recent gas or electricity bill for that property (water rates are not accepted).
Child’s proof of identification
- Birth certificate or passport
Visa papers
If you have immigrated to Australia, please provide us with your Visa papers and Visa number. If you child is eligible to attend an Intensive English Language Centre (IELC) to develop their English proficiency, Darlington Primary School is the nearest school to Paringa Park Primary.
Parent Handbook
The school prides itself on providing high quality education which maximises each child’s potential. Our school is a place of learning where every child can grow and develop their intellectual capacity and develop a positive disposition for learning.
There are many opportunities for you to become involved with your child’s learning and we are committed to partnering with our parents and carers in a shared quest for children to be the best they can be.
This booklet is an important part of our communication process with families. The information provided will assist you in becoming familiar with our school’s organisational structures and policies.
We hope you find this a useful reference and look forward to working together with you in your child’s learning journey at our school.
Parent Information Handbook
Download Here
Our Purpose
Paringa Park Primary School is a place of learning, where every child can grow and develop.