Dress Code
At Paringa Park Primary School, we believe that a school dress code provides a sense of community that engenders the feeling of belonging and safety in all individuals. Our governing council has determined that the wearing of the school uniform and following the school’s policy is important for all children. Our uniform offers affordable clothing for all children and is flexible and based around the school’s colours of navy blue, bottle green and yellow.
Children in all year levels are expected to follow the dress code at school and at official school events and excursions, unless otherwise instructed by staff. Children are expected to wear the uniform in the manner designed, and it is to be clean and in good repair.
Uniform Purchases
Families are able to purchase uniforms at any time via the Qkr! app with items sent home with children the following day. Families without the Qkr! app should contact the front office for alternative purchase methods.
The dress code policy is developed and reviewed by the Dress Code Committee in consultation with students, parents, teachers and the school community. Decisions are made with consideration given to student safety, wellbeing and pride in school community. The committee meets twice a term and reports to Governing Council. Concerns about uniform can be directed to class teachers and are generally handled by the teacher or by leadership staff.
Dress Code Policies and Procedures
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